my born in fanatic dub wife divorced me in 1981.
happy days--then and now.
so what the heck are they brainwashing today in the meeting or what ever.
she is in full on cult mode talking about the end of the world.
she asked me to listen to a couple of talks and i respectfully declined.
my born in fanatic dub wife divorced me in 1981.
happy days--then and now.
there is a surge going on of people buying guns, especially first time buyers.
with talk of police defunding and rioting in the neighborhoods, some people want to protect themselves.. do you support owning and using a gun if needed?.
Wolverines--what country are you in ?
why call me a liar ?
there is a surge going on of people buying guns, especially first time buyers.
with talk of police defunding and rioting in the neighborhoods, some people want to protect themselves.. do you support owning and using a gun if needed?.
just one gang of drug pushers killing off rivals. eventually there will be none left. bring it on.
there is a surge going on of people buying guns, especially first time buyers.
with talk of police defunding and rioting in the neighborhoods, some people want to protect themselves.. do you support owning and using a gun if needed?.
surprisingly in the UK the vast majority of people have no wish--or the means--to blow holes in each other. In fact--if any Americans want to visit for a holiday, please leave your guns back home. i doubt you will get very far if you dont.
there is a surge going on of people buying guns, especially first time buyers.
with talk of police defunding and rioting in the neighborhoods, some people want to protect themselves.. do you support owning and using a gun if needed?.
thank god i live in the UK where gun ownership ( other than shotguns ) is rare--and usually illegal.
if you were a religious organization publicly identified with predictingarmageddon soon, would you be motivated to build large and expensive edifices or hideaways in foreign lands?such as:a $ 1,425,400 property in which a welsh translation center could be maintained?.
this looks like a pleasant location for doomsday, doesn’t it?.
maybe just a fortunate location for.
why would abraham and the others from the old testament be resurrected in america ?
what a weekend.
i have my normal medications to take; one white pill, one purple pill, one blue pill, one yellow pill ... you get the idea.. but having to watch the regional assembly on-line had me stressed.
i now realized i accidentally took too many of those big purple pills.
i do wish those 2 bible writers would sing off the same hymn sheet.
Matt 5:10,11....for great is your reward in heaven
Mark 10:29, 30...houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and land--though with great troubles; and, in the world to come, eternal life.
what a weekend.
i have my normal medications to take; one white pill, one purple pill, one blue pill, one yellow pill ... you get the idea.. but having to watch the regional assembly on-line had me stressed.
i now realized i accidentally took too many of those big purple pills.
what a weekend.
i have my normal medications to take; one white pill, one purple pill, one blue pill, one yellow pill ... you get the idea.. but having to watch the regional assembly on-line had me stressed.
i now realized i accidentally took too many of those big purple pills.
@ rub a dub....did you die ?
are you reticent to express your opinion when it comes to religion or politics?.
when we were jws , we had to be so careful that we didn’t stumble anyone.
are you comfortable saying that you don’t agree with someone or something even if it appears you are in the minority?
i dont set out to say anything to offend anyone. if they take offence--its their problem..not mine.